Dear Subscriber,
We trust this letter finds you well during these challenging times. We hope you were able to enjoy the summer as restrictions lifted across the country. As always, we want to thank you for subscribing to your favorite magazine or newspaper through us.
We wanted to update you on some exciting news! We have added 23 new German language titles to our library with hopefully more to follow. Please feel free to browse through our website and see if any of your favorite titles are now available. In our Announcement Tab you can always click to find the latest updates and news about our publications.
For the past six months, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, air cargo rates from Europe have dramatically increased given there is little air passenger traffic. We have been holding our renewal rates for the past six months hoping this would change. But, given the current situation with an apparent second wave, a return to normal air traffic is unlikely anytime soon.
However, we also believe, given the current economic conditions, it would not be helpful to our loyal subscribers to pass along these extra costs. As such we are pleased to announce that we are going to continue holding our subscription rates at existing 2020 levels. We hope this will encourage you to renew your subscription and maybe try another one of our titles.
As a reminder, we are now offering 1st Class and/or Priority Mail subscriptions for all of our magazines and newspapers. This may be of interest to those that subscribe to our collection of weekly titles. For a better understanding of the process of bringing these titles to your mailbox please click on our Delivery Tab. This also includes USPS delivery standards for all our classes of mail.
Also, our subscription management partner Roltek International Inc. now offers a convenient pay online for your subscription directly at www.roltek.com/checkout with either Visa or MasterCard.
We thank you for your understanding during these challenging times. Please stay safe and healthy.
The Teams at Cover-All, Data Media and Roltek.